Wednesday 29 August 2012

awesome picture

The Real Story Behind the Incredible Storm Photo That Just Won't Die
 Social media and news sites have been abuzz over an amazing image supposedly tropical storm Isaac. The picture was actually taken by an amateur in Brunei but that hasn't stopped people from using to to illustrate all kinds of weird things over the years.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Story of the loneliest whale

story of The Loneliest Whale in world singing the songs of loneliness

In 2004, The New York Times wrote an article about the loneliest whale in the world. Scientists have been tracking her since 1992 and they discovered the problem:

She isn’t like any other baleen whale. Unlike all other whales, she doesn’t have friends. She doesn’t have a family. She doesn’t belong to any tribe, pack or gang. She doesn’t have a lover. She never had one. Her songs come in groups of two to six calls, lasting for five to six seconds each. But her voice is unlike any other baleen whale. It is unique—while the rest of her kind communicate between 12 and 25hz, she sings at 52hz. You see, that’s precisely the problem. No other whales can hear her. Every one of her desperate calls to communicate remains unanswered. Each cry ignored. And, with every lonely song, she becomes sadder and more frustrated, her notes going deeper in despair as the years go by.

Just imagine that massive mammal, floating alone and singing—too big to connect with any of the beings it passes, feeling paradoxically small in the vast stretches of empty, open ocean.

Monday 27 August 2012

Chines Art

We love the scale of Chinese sculptor Chen Wenling's 'What You See Might Not Be Real' which was created in response to the global financial crisis.

Sunday 26 August 2012

Inner peace

Inner peace: a key to success
Anything is possible when you have inner peace. Now two main questions arise firstly what do we mean by inner peace and how to have it.

Inner peace is something when we are truly satisfied regardless of the situation we are going through. We have a sense of contentment and feel thankful for everything what we have. In true sense having the self-satisfaction regardless of good or bad circumstances is termed as inner peace.

Well, now how we can have inner peace. There are two main steps which are really helpful in attaining inner peace.

Self- awareness: self awareness is the first step to inner peace. Firstly we have to examine ourselves that where do we stand. Then we have to take initiative to replace our negativity with positivity.

Fear of God: If we have fear of God and will have strong faith that whatever we do in this world, we will be accountable for that in the world here after. This approach will help us towards quitting bad deeds and adopting good deeds. In reward we will be blessed with inner peace.

When you will have inner peace then obviously you will have hope and will adopt positive approach. Positive approach will help you to overcome the hurdles of life.

So, inner peace is a key to success in every field of life. Though the journey of attainment of inner peace is not that much easy. One has to struggle hard to become strong after tasting the failures again and again. But one who attains the inner peace, this sense of self satisfaction then allows the individual to make this world a heaven as well.